Analysis of the olfactory Fossa on Computed Tomography of the Paranasal Sinuses to Determine Its Anatomical Variation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Radiology Consultant, Alazhar University, Egypt

2 Assistant Professor, Neuropsychiatric Consultant, Psychiatric Department, Al-Azhar University

3 Neuropsychiatric Consultant

4 Intern Doctor, Department of Medicine, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey, Istanbul.

5 Medical Doctor, King Fahad Hospital Department of Internal Medicine, Saudi Arabia, Madinah.



Background: The morphology of paranasal sinuses is receiving significant attention due to the emergence of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) & multi-detector computed tomography (CT) scans. Aim: The objective of this research is to assess the anatomical diversity of the OF using Keros categorization on computed tomography scans of the paranasal sinuses. Patients and methods: This retrospective research has been performed on 200 cases of both genders who had undergone non-enhanced paranasal sinus CTs. The images of those cases that had been directed by the otolaryngology clinic were evaluated retrospectively by a radiologist who had done neck and head radiology. Results: A statistically insignificant relation was observed among the Keros classifications regarding sex and age. According to olfactory fossa (OF) depth, a statistically significant relation was detected among sexes and sides regarding the olfactory fossa. A statistically insignificant relation was observed between sex and Keros classification regarding side. Conclusion: Performing a computed tomography of the paranasal sinus prior to surgery is beneficial to verify that the operating approach is adequately planned & to assess the structure of the anterior skull base. Using the Keros categorization in paranasal sinus computed tomography reporting might effectively reduce surgical difficulties by providing valuable contributions to the anatomical parts of this region, which are crucial for surgical procedures.


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