Guide for Authors

Length of Article:

The article should not exceed 5000 words. References and legends. Illustrations and tables should be limited to those necessary to highlight key data.

Plan of Article Outlay:

Articles must be word-processed with double spacing, with a 3-cm margin on all sides (8 cm at the bottom of the title page).  

All articles must have within them the following subheadings written in the capital: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Declarations, and References. The manuscript should be arranged as follows:

Title page, Abstract, Keywords (3-7), Introduction, Methods, Ethical Approval, Results, Discussion, Declarations, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figures, and Figure Legends.


Each table should be typed on a separate page and should supplement, not duplicate information in the text. Tables should be laid as simply as possible. Each table must have it precise heading and should be listed in numerical order.


Photographs and radiographs should be clear and of good quality

All figures should be numbered in the text, and legends must accompany a photograph and the name of the author (s) should be indicated tightly in pencil on the back.

Author's contributions and Declarations (including Ethical approval and consent to participate, Consent for publication, Availability of data and materials, competing interests and Funding).  Must be mentioned in details.

Cover letter:

Manuscripts should be submitted with a cover letter stating that:

 1) The paper is not under consideration elsewhere

 2) None of the paper's contents have been previously published

 3) All authors have read and approved the manuscript.  The corresponding author (name, address, telephone, and fax) should be specified in the cover letter. 

Title Page:

The title of the article should be as concise as possible with no abbreviations and should be in capital letters. This should be followed by the surname of authors preceded by their full first name and middle initials followed by their affiliations.


Articles should be preceded by an Abstract which should include a problem statement, argument, findings as well as conclusion. The Abstract must be not more than 250 words and should be more comprehensive than a summary which will not be required. If abbreviations are used they should be preceded by the full word(s) when mentioned for the first time; this should be between brackets. e.g. peptic ulcer (PU).

Key Words (3-7) at the end of the abstract.


The number of references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. References appearing for the first time in tables and figures must be numbered sequences with those cited in the text in where the table or figure is mentioned. References are identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses.

The style of references should be as follows:

For Journal articles: Surname and initials of author(s) (year of publication): title. the name of the Journal, volume, and number of pages.

Soliman A, Abo Ali S (2023): Risk and Protective Factors for ADHD in Damietta, Egypt. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 30(7), 279–292.

b) For books: Surname and initials of author(s) (year of first publication): title (volume), city, publishing house: numbers of pages.

McDowell I, Newell C, McDowell I (2006): Measuring health: a guide to rating scales and questionnaires (Vol.268), New York, Oxford University Press: 61-68.